Sunday 1 April 2012

...Iran (Part 4 - Escaping Tehran)

“That's it. I refuse to try and do anything else in this city. I'm sick of setting off to find an internet cafe/embassy/restaurant only to find it closed and holding onto this hejab in the wind is driving me mad. And yes Finn, I have thrown the guidebook onto the pavement. But I've been driven to it! I'm not ashamed. I've had enough.

Cafe Naderi
Take me to Cafe Naderi with its silver-haired waiters, grass green walls and bright red curtains and young, flirting Tehranis reading each others' futures in the coffee grounds.  An oasis of calm and relative normality in a frustrating city. Ah yes waiter, it is us again. Please bring me your finest cold coffee - a tall glass of vanilla ice cream drenched in milky coffee. And all is well again and I think I might be starting to love this city again. But wait, why is that exceptionally chubby boy staring at us? How rude! Is he still staring? Yes! Let’s move tables. That’s better. No, he’s still staring. Why don’t the parents do anything?! It’s really creepy. Oh wait, here comes the dad…”Excuse me mister” (long pause, sigh) “My son really likes you”. Oh! He hasn’t been staring at us, he’s been gazing adoringly at Finn! This is brilliant! “Could he have a photo with you?” By now, exceptionally chubby boy has downed a cold coffee, inhaled a piece of swiss roll and donned a middle-aged lady’s floppy hat in readiness for the photo. Wonderful.

Thank you Tehran (but really, it’s time to go now)”. 

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